Monday 25 June 2012

New Range Rover Spyshot at Road Testing

New Range Rover Spyshot at Road Testing

Brand new Range Rover is the most important new vehicle to be launched by the major automobile manufacturers in the UK this year, and our spy photographers once again stuck with it as it is undergoing road testing.
The new Range Rover will share a platform with the Jaguar XJ aluminum, which means that it will not only lighter (rumors indicate that it would shed about 400 kg / 882 lbs), but will also allow the designers to make the car a little bit bigger. To save the extra weight, composite materials will be used for things like fenders and rear doors.

New Range Rover Spyshot at Road Testing 2

Powertrains are expected to carry most of the current models, including the 5.0-liter V8s (aspirated and supercharged). However, it is not unreasonable to believe that the supercharged V6 was developed for the Jaguar F-Type can also be used.

New Range Rover Spyshot at Road Testing

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